
Jewelcrafting Knowledge Treasures (24 pts)

  • /way #2339 33.1, 61.2 Earthen Gem Pliers (Jewelcrafting)
  • /way #2248 63.5, 66.8 Gentle Jewel Hammer (Jewelcrafting)
  • /way #2214 56.9, 54.6 Jeweler’s Delicate Drill (Jewelcrafting)
  • /way #2214 48.5, 35.1 Carved Stone File (Jewelcrafting)
  • /way #2215 44.6, 50.9 Librarian’s Magnifiers (Jewelcrafting)
  • /way #2215 47.3, 60.6 Arathi Sizing Gauges (Jewelcrafting)
  • /way #2255 56.1, 58.7 Nerubian Bench Blocks (Jewelcrafting)
  • /way #2216 47.7, 19.3 Ritual Caster’s Crystal (Jewelcrafting)

Tools of the Trade

  • Specialty Bag: Jeweler’s Purse – Increases the maximum yield of Crushed Gemstones from Algari Crushing by 1 
  • BiS Accessories:
  • BiS Tool: Lapidary’s Aqirite Clamps (engineer made, +18 skill)
    • Tool stat + enchant for various situations:
    • Prospecting, Patron & public orders: Resourcefulness + Resourcefulness
    • High end craft orders & to maximize concentration: Ingenuity + Ingenuity
    • When concentration isn’t needed & multicraft applies: Multicraft + Resourcefulness

Jewelcrafting Specializations (3)

1. Gemcutting

This specialization improves your ability to cut gems, and gives you access to 12 gem cut recipes.

The base node increases your skill cutting gems, and unlocking this node gives you the ability to add finishing reagents when cutting gems. 

The secondary nodes are based on the TWW gem types, and the tertiary nodes on the specific cuts of that gem:

  • Extravagant Emeralds
    • Deadly: haste > crit
    • Masterful: haste > mastery
    • Versatile: haste > vers
  • Ostentatious Onyxes
    • Deadly: mastery > crit
    • Quick: mastery > haste
    • Versatile: mastery > vers
  • Radiant Rubies
    • Quick: crit > haste
    • Masterful: crit > mastery
    • Versatile: crit > vers
  • Stunning Sapphires
    • Deadly: vers > crit
    • Quick: vers > haste
    • Masterful: vers > mastery

Each secondary node improves your skill cutting that gem type, and Blasphemite, which is the new diamond. Unlocking a secondary node lets you immediately unlock one tertiary node, which gives you a recipe. Also tucked in here is the ability to create prisms – I assume this is like the daily CD in DF that lets you take some lesser ingredients and make rare gems out of them. The capstone ability for each secondary node gives you a chance to create Glittering Gemdust whenever you use that cut – that’s a finishing reagent that gives you a 50 point skill boost and increases your chance to skill up by 25% when used. 

The tertiary nodes increase your skill with a specific cut of gem, and unlocking those nodes gives you the recipe for it. 

2. Jewelrycrafting

This specialization improves your ability to make rings, necks, and profession equipment.

The base node increases your skill with all jewelry, and unlocking this node gives you the ability to add Radiant Finishing Reagents when crafting jewelry. Presumably that’s the Glittering Gemdust you can get from gemcutting?

The secondary nodes

  • Amulets: Increases your skill making necks. Opening the node gives you the recipe for “Amulet of Earth Craftsmanship”, which is the new Torc of Passed Time. Investing in this node will teach you how to use missives, Artisan’s Authenticity finishing reagent, embellishments, and ilvl boosting crests when crafting necks.
  • Rings:  Increases your skill making making rings. Opening the node gives you the recipe for “Ring of Earth Craftsmanship”, which is the new Signet of Titanic Insight. Investing in this node will teach you how to use missives, Artisan’s Authenticity finishing reagent, embellishments, and ilvl boosting crests when crafting rings.
  • Artisan’s Accessories:  Increases your skill making profession equipment. Investing in this node will teach you how to use Artisan’s Authenticity finishing reagent and boost your resourcefulness/ingenuity when crafting accessories. 

3. Shaping 

This specialization improves your ability to make glass and stone reagents, and improves your prospecting and crushing results.

The base node increases your skill creating reagents, and unlocking this node gives you the ability to add Artisan’s Authenticity Finishing Reagents when crafting reagents. 

The secondary nodes

  • Glasswork: Increases your skill when making glass reagents, and filling the node completely will give you the recipe for the Elemental Focusing Lens embellishment.
  • Masonry: Increases your skill when making stone reagents, and filling the node completely will give you the recipe for the Prismatic Null Stone embellishment.
  • Gem Finding: Improves your ability to find gems from various sources (skill increase). Unlocking this node gives you a chance to find additional reagents when prospecting.  Investing in this node makes your prospecting faster, the results higher quality, and gives you a chance to find “Ambivalent Amber” – the new common orange gemstone. The 4 tertiary nodes of this tree correspond to emerald, onyx, ruby and sapphire. Each one gives you a better chance of finding that particular gem when prospecting the ore type NOT usually associated with it. 
OreDefault prospecting gives you:With talents you also get:
AquiriteAmber, Emerald & SapphireRuby & Onyx
IronclawAmber, Ruby & OnyxEmerald & Sapphire
Null StoneAll types

Things of Note

  • Uncut gems no longer have a quality associated with them, so you can use low quality ore for prospecting. 
  • Creating a cut gem requires additional reagents that DO come in different qualities.
  • In prospecting, ore type now seems to be tied to gem type (see Shaping→ Gem Finding)
  • Diamonds: the recipes for diamonds aren’t learned through specializations like in DF, but the skill to cut Blasphemite is built into the Gemcutting tree. The diamond boni are based off of how many different color gems you have equipped.
  • The item that lets you add a socket – Magnificent Jeweler’s Setting – works for necks AND rings now, and allows you to have 2 sockets per item.
  • Looks like JCs don’t make trinkets or idols in TWW
  • Profession equipment is now found in the same tree as rings/necks, instead of grouped with reagent crafting.


Gemcutting is a solid first specialization choice, and probably the one that synergizes best with the skill-up phase. You’ll get access to tons of recipes which will help you keep up with your Patron crafting orders, and get you lots of first craft knowledge points. Even though the recipes are in the tertiary nodes, you only need to invest 10 points in the tree to get your first one. It will cost you 40 to unlock 4 recipes, and 80 for all of them. The expense of the crafting mats for gems are quite high at the momment.

Jewelrycrafting is also a fine specialization to pick first. It’s got  high utility and profit potential for short term and long term plans. You’ve got profession tools for the early demand from crafters, and the generic ring & neck have great staying power, because they’re versatile and get recrafted frequently to balance out stats and add embellishments. The fact that the ring starts with a socket will be less of a big deal in TWW though, because the new JC item that adds sockets can be applied to rings now as well. Also there are 2 new embellished recipes that come from drops (Binding of Binding and Fractured Gemstone Locket). I doubt they’ll be profession game changers like the Lariat, but who knows until the BiS lists get published. 

Note that you have to dive to the bottom of the ring & amulet nodes to be able to use all of the important optional reagents (missive, crests, embellishments) – so fill one out completely before tackling the next.

Shaping seems a bit blah at first glance, but because gems no longer have a quality, the quality of the reagents used for the gem cut recipes are going to be much more important. This spec will help you create better & more of those items. Plus you get all the prospecting stuff. It could be a good spec to add later on. 

Levelling Notes
  • Warning: JC is one of the hardest professions to level, given the price of crushed gems, which are used in most of the recipes.
  • If you can find one of these Blasphemite recipes on the AH, they give you 3 skill points per craft all the way up to 105: Insightful Blasphemite, Culminating Blasphemite, Elusive Blasphemite. Just make sure you’re not buying the Cubic one – that requires 2 null stones :<

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