
Inscription Knowledge Treasures (24 pts)

  • /way #2339 57.2, 46.8 Dornogal Scribe’s Quill (Inscription)
  • /way #2248 55.9, 60.0 Historian’s Dip Pen (Inscription)
  • /way #2214 48.5, 34.2 Runic Scroll (Inscription)
  • /way #2214 62.4, 58.0 Blue Earthen Pigment (Inscription)
  • /way #2215 42.8, 49.0 Calligrapher’s Chiseled Marker (Inscription)
  • /way #2215 43.2, 58.9 Informant’s Fountain Pen (Inscription)
  • /way #2255 55.8, 43.9 Nerubian Texts (Inscription)
  • /way #2216 50.1, 30.7 Venomancer’s Ink Well (Inscription)

Tools of the Trade

  • Specialty Bag: Darkmoon Duffle Transcribing a Khaz Algar Darkmoon Card has a 5% chance to create another 
  • BiS Accessories:
  • BiS Tool: Silver Tongue’s Quill  (scribe made, +18 skill)
    • Tool stat + enchant for various situations:
    • General Crafting: Multicraft + Resourcefulness
    • Milling, Patron & public orders : Resourcefulness + Resourcefulness
    • High end craft orders: Ingenuity + Ingenuity

 Inscription Specializations (4)

1. Pursuit of Knowledge

Pursuit of Knowledge grants bonuses to Multicraft, Resourcefulness, and Ingenuity for all Inscription recipes. Unlocking this specialization gives you the recipe for the inscription treatise. The main node gives all three, while the sub-nodes give more bonus to each individually.

2. Pursuit of Perfection

Pursuit of Perfection grants bonuses to making the crafting reagents used by inscription. The main node gives overall skill for inks & reagents. The subnodes let you choose a phase of production to master, and improve skill and give other perks for milling, making ink, and ciphers (the new chilled rune). 

3. Careful Carvings

Careful Carvings improves your skill when crafting equipment. One side of the tree gives bonuses to Staves and Off-hands, while the other gives bonuses to Profession Tools.

4. Archival Additions

Archival Additions improves your ability to make consumables that can be used by anyone. The main node improves skill for all of these consumables. One side of the tree improves skill and gives other benefits relating to Darkmoon Sigils, and the other side improves skill and gives other benefits for crafting Missives, Contracts, and Vantus Runes.

Things of Note

  • Darkmoon Decks are NOT crafted by Inscription anymore – scribes only craft the Darkmoon Sigils, which give added effects or variables to Darkmoon Decks. 
  • Inscription still includes Treatises to give weekly profession knowledge points, but there is no longer a Specialization tree buffing it – you simply need to unlock the Pursuit of Knowledge specialization to get the first recipe. Presumably the other recipes can be discovered when making any treatise, like in DF.
  • Fauna runes are no longer a thing. Instead, enchanters make mana oils.
  • We will Mill herbs in groups of 10 now
  • It looks like there are only 2 types of Ink now, but you need pigment from multiple herbs still


Careful Carvings is probably the best path to follow, either choosing the Profession Equipment or the Weapons and maxing it. Assuming that it will take 2 Sparks to craft a staff, it’s unlikely that we will get many crafting orders for them, especially if there are fancy weapons in dungeons/raids but that just depends on everyone’s BiS.

The alchemy tool tends to be the most sought-after profession tool that a scribe can make. The recipe for Patient Alchemist’s Mixing Rod is a drop from a delve – so if you can get this early and pair it with the skill to make it well, you could make a lot of gold from the eager & wealthy goblins that are making multiple alchemists for the Blasphemite transmute CDs.

Pursuit of Knowledge is a good second choice. Opening up this spec lets you start learning profession treatise recipes, and maxxing out the main node gives you double KP from them. All the efficiency sub-nodes will help you make crafting more profitable – you’ll definitely want these at some point after your skill is at a comfortable level.

Pursuit of Perfection would also be a good second spec to choose, so your reagents are higher quality (assuming you don’t plan on just purchasing off the AH). 

Until we see how the Darkmoon Decks are tuned, I would avoid that side of Archival Additions

There’s usually a market for the Missives and Contracts and Vantus Runes if you can get the recipe before most other people, but then it tanks. The reagents will probably cost more and could make a decent profit off of them. 

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