
TWW Changes

Ingredient quality is going to play a bigger role in the quality of crafted goods. At the same time, quality 2 & 3 ingredients are going to drop less frequently in TWW – about ½ of what we saw in DF. Sources are reporting that the quality distribution of gathering drops have a breakdown like this for gatherers at max skill w/ profession tools:

  • Quality 1: 50%
  • Quality 2: 30%
  • Quality 3: 20% 

In DF, maxed out gatherers didn’t get quality 1 mats – that’s not going to be the case any more. High quality gathered mats are going to be in serious demand.  This will probably make gathering professions more profitable than in the past, and will change our priorities for where to invest knowledge points. Refining may become useful, and economically viable.

SoulSoBreezy does a great video about these changes.

Overloading herbs/ore nodes has changed as well – you can overload it AFTER you harvest it.

Gathering Stats – quick recap 

  • Skill: increases your chance to gather quality 2 & 3 items
  • Finesse: increases your chance to get extra of the thing that you are gathering 
  • Perception:  increases the radius of tracking Mining and Herbalism nodes, and the chance of finding additional rare materials when gathering (including knowledge point drops).
  • Deftness: increases your gathering speed

Gathering Stat/Perk Priorities

S Tier
  • Skill bonus that applies to everything you gather
  • Mounted gathering for miners or miner/herbalists
A Tier
  • Perception
? Tier
  • Skill bonus that applies to a subset of things you gather. Value varies with how frequently you encounter this subtype, and how valuable it, and its associated reagents, are.
B+ Tier
  • Mounted gathering for herbalists (Herbalists can use druid flight form or the Sky-golem mount instead of mounted gathering, so it’s a lower priority for them)
  • Finesse
B Tier
  • Deftness*
  • Other misc. perks

*: Sufficiently high deftness can let you gather while being attacked and not get interrupted. If you want to avoid combat while gathering, or just feel like a boss and taunt mobs as you leave, bump this higher in the priority list.

Things to gather in TWW:

Color coding indicates rarity/quality

  • Bismuth
  • Aquirite (mostly in Hallowfall)
  • Ironclaw
  • Null Stone
  • Gloom Chitin
  • Stormcharged Leather
  • Burning Cinderbee Setae
  • Kaheti Swarm Chitin
  • Honed Bone Shards
  • Bottled Storm
  • Thunderous Hide
  • Sunless Carapace
  • Gloomfathom Hide
  • Superb Beast Fang
  • Mycobloom
  • Blessing Blossom (not in Azj-Kaht)
  • Arathor’s Spear (not in Azj-Kaht)
  • Luredrop (not in Dorn)
  • Orbinid (not in Dorn)
  • Null Lotus
  • Crystalline Powder 
  • Writhing Sample 
  • Leyline Residue 
  • Viridescent Spore 
Crystallized (herb & ore)Crystalline Powder
Altered (herb), Weeping (ore)Writhing Sample
Sporefused (herb)Viridescent Spores
Irradiated (herb)Leyline Residue
EZ-Mine (ore)Scrap (Engineers only)
Webbed (ore)Weavercloth
Camouflaged (herb & ore)No extra reagents, but these nodes are only visible to players using Truesight phials. Since they are prefixed, they help you skill up for longer, and give knowledge points the first time you harvest them. They also give you a much more target rich environment to harvest in.

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