TWW Profession Changes

Written by Light & Nym – last updated 9/10/2024

The crafting system in TWW is very similar to the one in DF, so we’re going to be focusing on what’s changed in this document.

Ingenuity and Concentration

Inspiration is no longer going to be a crafting stat, and instead we will have Concentration and Ingenuity. This stat is a more reliable and flexible way to guarantee max quality of an item. 

Everyone will have 1000 Concentration points per profession that you can sort of substitute for skill points when making a recipe. Concentration regenerates at 10 per hour. It would take a little over 4 days to completely refill your pool from 0. Ingenuity is a percent chance for you to get some of the Concentration that you used on a recipe refunded.

A simplistic example of how Concentration works: say you have the birdmaking profession, and you want to craft a new duck. The duck has a difficulty of 300 to craft at Rank 5, but your skill is only 250 in duck-crafting. You could spend 50 Concentration points to add to your base skill level and guarantee that craft at Rank 5. However, you can’t boost an item from rank 3 to 5 no matter how much concentration you have – you can only bump it up to the next level.

Unfortunately there’s not a 1:1 or direct relationship between concentration and missing skill- it’s far more complicated. It appears that the lower your skill vs. the recipe difficulty, the more concentration per point of skill it will cost you. Other factors seem to play a role too, such as material quality. In general, it’s going to cost you more than 1 concentration (sometimes much more) to make up for a skill point.

Generally, your goal for early profession knowledge point investments is going to be “get a high enough skill to make X at rank 4 when using max quality ingredients”.  Then you can burn concentration to cover the difference and get to rank 5. The closer you can get your skill to the rank 5 difficulty number, the less concentration you have to spend, and more frequently you can craft max quality items. 

Tip: Don’t let your Concentration get maxed at 1000, make sure it stays below that or you are wasting Concentration points that would otherwise be recharging. 

Ingredient Quality & Gathering Changes

Ingredient quality is going to play a larger role in determining the final quality of crafted goods. At the same time, gathering quality 2 & 3 ingredients is going to become more difficult – they will drop less frequently (roughly half of what we saw in DF). This is going to have far reaching consequences for crafting, gathering, and the WoW economy. See the “Gathering” document for more information.

Work Order Changes

  • The addition of Patron crafting orders, discussed below
  • Public work orders require the client to provide all of the materials (yay!). Guild and personal orders will not require this. (CONFIRM)
  • Cross realm guild work orders are now possible, as of the pre-patch
  • Alchemy flasks/phials/potions now all seem to be part of the order system. In DF, only a few of them were.
  • Enchants are not a part of the order system, but mana oil & reagents made by enchanters are.

Patron Crafting Orders

There’s a new tab under crafting orders called “Patron” where you can find orders to fill. Think of them as quests with profession related rewards. The Patron orders you see are yours – nobody can snipe them from you. They refresh 2x a week, similar to world quests, and on the beta you start with 14 of them. It might not be possible to fulfill all your orders – they might be for a recipe you don’t have, or require a quality you can’t make, even with concentration. Just do what you can – if you miss any there’s a catch-up mechanic. Orders will frequently require you to use some of your own mats, but they might provide sparks or other scarce resources. Overall this system looks like it will make leveling your profession skill easier and more fun, esp. during those last awkward 20 points.

Rewards include:
  • An item that gives you 2 knowledge points
  • Artisan’s acuity (10 or 30)
  • a finishing reagent that increases skill by 5-40 points
  • an augment rune
  • “Artisan’s Consortium Payout” – contains random crafting reagents – not necessarily for your profession

Each order will give you 2 of the above, but not knowledge and acuity at the same time. The rewards scale somewhat to the difficulty of the filling the order, and they show up in your mailbox afterward. It looks like about 10 knowledge points will be available a week via patron orders, if you can manage to do them all (which seems unlikely in the beginning).

Other New Stuff

  • Special Profession Bags – created by tailors, they give you interesting profession related perks. They are unique-equip(2), and aren’t reagent bags.
  • Here are the new phials– they affect some crafting stats as well as gathering & last 30 min:
    • Phial of Bountiful Seasons: Finesse (during summer) & Resourcefulness (during winter)
    • Phial of Enhanced Ambidexterity: Deftness & Crafting Speed
    • Phial of Truesight: Perception & see camouflaged herbs
    • Phial of  Ingenuity: increases Ingenuity for all professions
  • Warband banks are a great way to store crafting reagents that can be used by multiple alts! Some behavior is a bit unexpected…
    • If you’re crafting an item for yourself and you have a reagent in your bag and in your warband bank, the ones in the warband bank will be used first.
    • Reagents in your warband bank CAN be used to complete quests (at least the gathering weekly quests)
    • Reagents in your warband bank can NOT be used to complete craft orders – you have to have them in your bag.

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