
Tools of the Trade

  • Artisan Fishing Cap (tailor made, +27 Perception +11 Skill) – it’s still a head slot item rather than a proper profession accessory
  • Aqirite Fisherfriend (engineer made, +18 skill)
    • Stats: you can’t customize the stats, like other tools – you get Perception
    • Enchant: Algari Weaverline is a bind-to-warband item, made by tailors, that lets you permanently add perception & skill to your fishing pole.

The Wowhead fishing overview does a pretty good job of going over the nitty gritty stuff. I’m just going to point out a few things:

  • There’s a mount you can get from the “The Derby Dash” fishing achievement
  • Unlike other profession skills, fishing goes up to 300
  • Zones have built-in fishing difficulties, so it’s better to fish in a skill-appropriate zone:
    • 1: Isle of Dorn
    • 125: Ringing Deeps
    • 225: Hallowfall
    • 375: Azj-Kahet
  • Algari Weaverline – this is the “enchant” you want to use on your fishing pole, and it’s made by tailors. Only apply it when you get a rare quality fishing pole (Aquirite Fisherfriend). Once you use it, you can start finding special threads which give you permanent stacking fishing buffs that are shareable with your other warband characters (the other characters need to also have fishing poles with Weaverline on them).
  • Addon recommendation: Better Fishing (lets you use a single key to cast & loot fish)
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