
Knowledge Treasures (24 pts)

  • /way #2339 64.8, 52.8 Dornogal Spectacles (Engineering)
  • /way #2248 61.3, 69.6 Rock Engineer’s Wrench (Engineering)
  • /way #2214 64.5, 58.7 Earthen Construct Blueprints (Engineering)
  • /way #2214 42.6, 27.2 Inert Mining Bomb (Engineering)
  • /way #2215 41.5, 49.0 Arathi Safety Gloves (Engineering)
  • /way #2215 46.3, 61.3 Holy Firework Dud (Engineering)
  • /way #2255 56.8, 38.6 Puppeted Mechanical Spider (Engineering)
  • /way #2216 63.0, 11.2 Emptied Venom Canister (Engineering)

Tools of the Trade

  • Specialty Bag: Prodigy’s Toolbox Increases the yield of Algari scrap from most sources by 1 
  • BiS Accessories:
  • BiS Tool: Aqirite Fueled Samophlange (engineer made, +18 skill)
    • Tool stat + enchant for various situations:
    • Consumables & reagents: Multicraft + Resourcefulness
    • Pilfering (not scouring through scrap), Patron/public orders: Resourcefulness + Resourcefulness
    • High end craft orders: Ingenuity + Ingenuity

Engineering Specializations (3)

1. Engineered Equipment

Engineered Equipment improves your ability to craft gear & profession equipment. The base node boosts your skill for both. Filling the base node entirely will give you the recipe for the rare quality engineering tool.  

The secondary nodes: one side of the tree deals with guns & bracers, and the other side with goggles & profession equipment. They boost your resourcefulness for making 2 of the items, and lets you use the Spare Parts finishing reagents on them (see Finishing Reagents at bottom of page). 

The tertiary nodes boost your skill making 1 type of item, give you a recipe directly (gun) or indirectly, and allow you to use optional reagents when making them, such as:

  • missives or cogwheels to set the secondary stats
  • the Artisan’s Authenticity finishing reagent (skill boost items you get as rewards from completing Patron crafting orders)
  • safety components (bracers/goggles) or embellishments (guns) 
  • enchanted crests to boost ilvl 

2. Devices

This specialization improves your ability to create tinkers, explosives, and devices. Unlocking the base node gives you a chance to find scrap when using devices. It also boosts your skill making non-gear items, and allows you to use finishing reagents on them. 

 The 2 subnodes give skill and other benefits specific to explosives and tinkers. Opening each secondary node gives you a chance to find scrap when you use explosives or tinkers.

3. Inventing 

Inventing is a utility specialization. The base node improves your overall engineering skill and reduces concentration costs for engineering. The subnodes:

  • Ingenious: boosts your ingenuity,  further reduces concentration costs for engineering, and gives you a 12 hour buff to multicraft/resourcefulness/ingenuity when you use your “Invent” ability (daily CD).
  • Parts: boosts your skill for crafting “Parts” (aka engineering reagents), gives you a chance to recover a piece of a mount when you “Pilfer through Parts”. Also gives access to 4 cogwheel subnodes that each teach you a recipe and boosts your skill making that type of cogwheel.
  • Scrapper: boosts your resourcefulness, gives you a chance to find toys & tinkers when scouring through scrap, and increases your maximum scrap yield.

Things of Note

  • Learn engineering as early into the expansion as you possibly can so you can start scrap, which is crucial for levelling up the profession.
  • Discovery is the primary way you’ll get new recipes, but many rare/epic recipes can’t be discovered until you invest into a spec.
  • There’s a mount – Crowd Pummeler 2-30 – that can be gotten through Inventing→Parts… but it will cost you 3million gold in vendor mats. 
  • TWW’s Jumper Cables are a reusable object now (10min CD), and not a tinker in a bracer socket.
  • There will be a way to convert older expansion engineering parts to things you can use in TWW, so don’t vendor your random DF leftovers.
  • Engineering still gets you fun toys, including a Khaz Algor wormhole generator.



The importance of scrap: Engineering involves a lot of scrap gathering, which requires you to be out in the world, doing content (finding treasures, mining EZ-mine nodes, opening Aritisan Consortium Payouts from doing Patron orders), and is not well suited to a rarely played alt. Go learn engineering ASAP so you can start getting scrap drops. You’ll need the scrap for skilling up your profession, learning new recipes, and as a crafting ingredient.

The profession treasures (see top of page) drop a chunk of scrap as well as knowledge points, so make sure you get those (you’ll probably need to be skill 25 before you can use them). Scrap and engineering parts are somewhat fungible – you can turn parts (both TWW and pre-TWW) into scrap via the Pilfer through Parts ability (5 parts become 1 scrap) and you can use Scour Through Scrap ability to turn scrap into parts, and have a chance to learn new recipes.

There are a few ways to improve your scrap collecting:

  • The inventing tree will give you a chance to find scrap when Speccing into Inventing→Scrapper increases the amount of scrap you get from sources. 
  • The Devices tree will give you a chance to find scrap when you use a device (from just opening the specialization) or using explosives / devices (opening the secondary nodes)
  • The Engineered Equipment→Profession tools tree lets you create some scrap at 20/30
  • You specialty bag, Prodigy’s Toolbox, increases the yield of scrap from most sources by 1 

Leveling, Inventing & Getting Recipes

 You’ll start your profession with 1 ability- “Scour Through Scrap”, which requires 5 scrap. Using it the first time should let you discover the “Invent” ability which is your daily CD. Invent costs 25 rusted scrap to use, and will:

  • Skill up your engineering by 2 all the way up to 105
  • Gives you a random prototype, which you can reverse engineer

Make sure to use Invent every day!

You can use “Scour Through Scrap” to find usable parts and occasionally find prototypes, which you can use your “Disassemble Invention” ablility on, resulting in ~5-15 “Hastily Scrawn Notes” and some scrap. 15 notes can can be converted into a “Comprehensibly Organized Idea”, which can be clicked on to learn a new recipe – you can choose between 3 randomly selected recipes. Advanced recipes, like the rare profession tools, epic bracers & goggles, can only be found after investing into the Engineered Equipment tree (see Equipment Making section below).

Equipment Maker Build

Engineered Equipment is the most important tree, and you will probably want to start here. The most useful things in this tree, in order from best to worst, are:

  1. Profession gear – engineers can equip a lot of professions- 7 items covering engineering, mining, tailoring, JC, and fishing- and the majority of these are tools, which folks often get more than one of so they can min-max the stats for various uses. The demand for this will be highest early in the expansion, so it’s best to start here.
  2. Bracers – a non-tier slot that lets you stack a single secondary stat, get a funky tinker, and comes in all armor types – there’s a reasonable demand for these.
  3. Guns – only engineers can craft agi ranged weapons (there’s no bow from LW this time) so this is cool, but only hunters can use guns, so the market is smaller than for bracers.
  4. Goggles – these are a tier slot and engineer-only, so unless you really want these for yourself, I wouldn’t bother. They do let you min-max for a single secondary stat and allow you to have 2 tinker slots overall.

Profession Gear: To start learning the rare equipment recipes, you’ll need to unlock the Profession Gear tertiary node. There’s one other rare recipe – the engineering tool – that you get from entirely filling in the base node. Recommended path:

  1. Unlock recipes by investing 10-5-0 
  2. Bring profession gear up to 10 points to unlock missives
  3. Go back to the base node and fill it to 30, and open up the calibrated chaos node
  4. Optional: if you want to make bracers eventually, you can take a quick detour and invest 5 points in calibrated chaos to unlock the bracers tertiary, just so you can start discovering the recipes. You’ll be terrible at making them at this point (see the notes on bracers below), but you could make yourself a pair for first craft KP to get back the cost of this detour (plus any skillups), and recraft them later. 
  5. Finish filling the base node to 40 to get the samophlange recipe

Ok, how’s your skill making profession gear now? Can you make a rank 4 item with max quality mats? That’s our minimum goal because it will let you use your concentration to get it to rank 5. If you’re not there yet, keep investing in skill (or if you want to use less concentration when making profession gear so you can do it more often). There 2 options:

  • Invest more in the Profession Gear node: bringing this node up to 20 will let you use the Artisan’s Authenticity finishing reagents (skill boost items you get as rewards from completing Patron crafting orders) and let you generate some scrap while making tools. There’s also a juicy 10 point skill bonus for filling the tree entirely so you might as well just put the full 30 points in. 
  • Invest in the Inventing specialization’s base node for engineering-wide skill

Bracers: if you’re investing in making bracers, you need to put the full 30 points into the tertiary node – otherwise you can’t fill orders that contain important optional reagents, such as ilvl boosts from crests, missives  & cogwheels. Nobody wants bracers w/o that stuff. You don’t need more than 5 points in the secondary node for starters though- those points are probably better spent in the base nodes of the equipment tree or the invention tree for raw skill.

Spare Parts: I’m really not sure how helpful the Spare Parts finishing reagents you get access to by investing 10 points in the secondary nodes will be. The list is below- you can decide for yourself how much you want to prioritize getting them.

  • Bottled Brilliance: increase your chance to skill up by 20%/30%/40% (made by engineers)
  • Concentration Concentrate: use $x% less concentration while concentrating 6%/8%/10% (made by engineers)
  • Ominous Energy Crystal: increases ingenuity by 150/225/300 (made by JCs)
  • Tempered Framework: increases resourcefulness by 150/225/300 (made by blacksmiths)

Things you’ll want to invest in later on to supplement equipment making are:

  • Inventing – fill the base node if you haven’t already to increase skill and reduce the amount of concentration you use crafting gear
  • Inventing subnodes
    • Scrapper will help you get mats refunded when you craft and collect more scrap.
    • Parts will help you create higher quality reagents for crafting
    • Ingenious will let you craft more often by refunding concentration
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