
Knowledge Treasures (24 points)

  • /way #2339 58.0, 56.8 Silver Dornogal Rod (Enchanting)
  • /way #2248 57.6, 61.6 Grinded Earthen Gem (Enchanting)
  • /way #2214 67.1, 65.9 Animated Enchanting Dust (Enchanting)
  • /way #2214 44.5, 22.1 Soot-Coated Orb (Enchanting)
  • /way #2215 40.0, 70.5 Essence of Holy Fire (Enchanting)
  • /way #2215 48.6, 64.5 Enchanted Arathi Scroll (Enchanting)
  • /way #2255 57.3, 44.0 Void Shard (Enchanting)
  • /way #2216 61.6, 22.1 Book of Dark Magic (Enchanting)

Tools of the Trade

  • Specialty Bag: Magically “Infinite” Messenger – Resourcefulness, Ingenuity, and Multicraft provided by Shatter Essence is increased by 1 
  • BiS Accessories:
  • BiS Tool: Runed Null Stone Rod (enchanter made, +18 skill, use less concentration)
    • Tool stat + enchant for various situations:
    • Crafting for the AH: Multicraft + Resourcefulness
    • Paton & public orders, leveling: Resourcefulness + Resourcefulness
    • High end craft orders: Ingenuity + Ingenuity

Enchanting Specializations (4)

1. Supplementary Shattering

Supplementary Shattering teaches you how to Shatter Essence, which destroys a rare reagent to grant you a temporary buff. The main node increases your Resourcefulness, Multicraft and Ingenuity while affected by the buff. The secondary nodes further increase each stat, though the Multicraft node only applies to illusions & reagents (see the Ephemerals, Enrichments, and Equipment specialization).

2. Designated Disenchanter

This specialization increases the quality & amount of mats you get from disenchanting. You can think of it as the “gathering” spec for enchanting. The main node increases your skill in all disenchanting, while each of the 3 secondary nodes increases your skill when disenchanting items of a specific rarity, and gives you these additional materials when doing so:

  • Uncommon Utilitarian – Storm Dust 
  • Rare Resourcing – Gleaming Shards 
  • Epic Escalations – Refulgent Crystal 

3. Everlasting Enchantments 

Everlasting Enchantments is the main spec for creating enchants. There are sub-specializations that improve your ability to craft certain types of enchantments. The groupings are somewhat slot based, and somewhat flavor based. Here’s a quick overview of what’s where:

  • Chest
  • Profession Tools
  • 5 Weapon Enchants (4 learned from trainer)
  • Boots
  • Rings: radiant enchants (bonus to a secondary stat)
  • 3 Weapon Enchants
  • Bracers
  • Cloaks
  • Rings: cursed enchants (lose some of a secondary stat to boost another) 
  • 1 Weapon Enchant

Here’s a full list of TWW enchantments, grouped by type

The base node improves your skill with all permanent enchantments. It has 3 secondary nodes:

  • Earthen Enchantments: improves your skill with the “Earthen” enchants. The 2 tertiary nodes let you further specialize into weapons / profession tools / chest enchants, and each gives you 1 recipe of that type when you open the node. 
  • Arathor Alterations: improves your skill with “Arathi” enchants. The 2 tertiary nodes let you further specialize into weapons / rings & boots, and each gives you 1 recipe of that type when you open the node. 
  • Nerubian Novelties improves your skill with “Nerubian” enchants. The 2 tertiary nodes let you further specialize into bracers & cloaks / rings, and each gives you 1 recipe of that type when you open the node. Nerubian ring enchants give more of one secondary stat while subtracting from another.

4. Ephemerals, Enrichments, and Equipment 

Ephemerals, Enrichments, and Equipment improves your ability to craft illusions, equipment, reagents, and consumables. The three secondary nodes further improve your skill at crafting certain types.

  • Deceptive Decorations teaches you how to craft different temporary illusions.
  • Exquisite Equipment increases your skill at crafting profession tools and wands.  The 2 tertiary nodes let you further specialize into profession tools / wands. Opening either node will teach you a recipe of that type.
  • Material Maestro improves your skill at crafting finishing reagents & mana oils. The 2 tertiary nodes let you further specialize into oils / finishing reagents, and each gives you 1 recipe of that type when you open the node.

Things of Note

  • Enchanting dust, shards and crystals have qualities now- rank 1-3.
  • In TWW, enchanters get to make the temporary weapon buffs (mana oils) instead of the fauna runes previously provided by scribes in DF.
  • Enchanters will still be responsible for crafting Enchanted Crests.
  • The Shatter Essence from Supplementary Shattering says that any rare reagent can be shattered, not just enchanting mats presumably.
  • In the crafting interface, enchants now show which specializations and sub-specializations give them skill bonuses, so it makes things a bit less confusing.


Everlasting Enchantments is going to be the most important spec to max for most enchanters, especially if the crafting difficulty for max quality enchants is as high as in DF. Hopefully the Concentration addition will make it easier and less RNG. As far as which path to take, it really depends which recipes you want to craft first. My recommendation would be to choose either the Earthen Enchantments or the Arathor Enchantments, as they include more of the primary stat increases (bracers are only tertiary stats) and the cursed ring enchants in Nerubian will be harsh on our low stat totals early in the expansion. If you’re buying the recipes for profession tool enchants, your priority should be: perception > multicraft >= resourcefulness.

It’s hard to say which weapon enchants will be the best, it mainly depends on the tuning. There is an enchant that gives a temporary buff for each secondary stat (Earthen), as well as an Arathor enchant that deals damage and increases primary stat. My guess is one of those will be the best for everyone, but again that depends on the tuning of the damage/healing procs of the other enchants.

If this is your first spec, and it’s the start of the TWW expansion, check which reagents are used for the various recipes in each branch before you invest in the secondary and tertiary nodes – you don’t want to be stuck with too many that use the epic crystals while they’re still incredibly scarce.  

Designated Enchanter has a lot of merit, especially if you are doing enchanting on an alt or are only doing enchanting to turn your gear into mats to sell. It’s also a good second spec to pick up for someone who wants access to more & better mats to support making enchants. The rarity distribution of what you get from disenchanting before investing in this tree is similar to other gathering professions (this assumes 100 skill + tools):  

  • Quality 1: 50%
  • Quality 2: 30%
  • Quality 3: 20% 

New scarcity of high quality mats + Ingredient quality playing a larger role in the final quality of crafted goods = High demand for quality mats

This could be a very profitable investment! 

Ephemerals, Enrichments, and Equipment spec is a mixed bag. It’s got your crafting tool, and a pile of recipes in the illusion branch (which can help with patron orders and first craft knowledge), both of which could be useful early on. However enchanters only make one type of profession equipment* and the illusions are purely cosmetic – it’s hard to say it’s a worthwhile investment. Wands are also of limited use, because only a few classes can use them, and folks tend to get their caster weapons from blacksmiths or scribes instead. There are a couple of finishing reagents, and while the mana oils are the new runes for casters, they will hopefully be cheap on the AH. I don’t think it will be a very profitable spec tree to follow, though flipping finishing reagents/mana oils or being the best enchanting tool crafter could make some gold.

*: there is an epic quality enchanting rod, which is a purchasable recipe, and lets you spend 1% less concentration on all enchanting stuff.

Supplementary Shattering is not a place to start, but it’s a fine tree to spec into later on, especially if you’re looking to make industrial quantities of enchants to sell on the AH. If you go this route, make sure to look into the Magically “Infinite” Messenger bag, which further improves your shatters.

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